Join the Team

People in the community are prepared to volunteer in different programs for a variety of reasons. Some people want to make a valuable contribution to something they believe in, others may see a volunteer program as a way of meeting people or gaining experience in new fields, or as a gateway to new carer opportunities.

One thing is certain – people who volunteer come from a wide range of backgrounds have vastly different personalities and will be motivated to volunteer for a variety of different reasons. Two of our long serving volunteers are happy to share their stories about their Fishability experience



'With the down turn in mining I was time rich and purpose poor. To regain some purpose I looked to volunteer in an organisation that helps others and was amazed to find an organisation that helps others by taking them fishing.

When your working life is restricted to working from home, you miss interaction with people, so for me this was a two way street, where I got to help others and they gave me the personal contact I was missing. I also learned a lot from the other volunteers about fishing and made great friends.

The fishing is great. To watch the reactions, of people living with disability, when they catch a fish isn’t great, it is AWESOME!

When the focus stops being about fishing and becomes about community; friendships, being together, experiences, joy, laughter and small moments, I think you have made it to that better place.

This is a picture of one of our volunteers holding one of our patrons hands, it’s not about fishing, it is about community'.


'On retiring in 2001, I wanted something to occupy my spare time besides woodwork. As I have been interested in fishing as a pastime since my early childhood I decided to volunteer with the Department of Fisheries as a Volunteer Fishing Liaison Officer and was introduced into a new program for children and adults with special needs.

My first experience in helping with people with disabilities fishing was a real eyeopener and I was amazed at the sheer enjoyment the participants got while fishing. I never returned from a fishing day spent with our participants without feeling a great feeling of satisfaction. Volunteering has enabled me to engage with other people and make a lot of new friends.

To be able to help people with disabilities achieve something that I take for granted is in my opinion the greatest factor in why I enjoy volunteering. It also makes me thankful for the opportunity to be able to help some persons less fortunate than myself'.

Volunteering is about

  • Getting involved, participating and making a difference in the community you live in.
  • Learning new skills, sharing life experiences and helping others.
  • Putting that spare time to good use, making contacts and building self confidence and self worth.
  • Staying active, socialising and gaining friends for life.
  • Contributing to the health and well being of the community.

Why volunteer with us To be a Fishability volunteer you probably:

  • Love the outdoors.
  • Enjoy talking to people.
  • Love working as part of a team.
  • Enjoy the satisfaction of helping others to develop their independence.
  • And more than likely – really love fishing!

Our volunteers achieve great satisfaction through the time they spend with participants and carers in our programs. You will help in all areas of fishing participation such as setting up fishing gear, baiting and casting a line, catch care and boating duties as required if you volunteer on our vessel.

Volunteers undertaking Skipper or Crew duties on the vessel will need to possess the required qualifications. You may either already have these, or in some cases we can arrange for the required training.

How to volunteer with us

If you are keen to enquire about our program and volunteer, it is a very simple process. Review our New Volunteer Enquiry Information Guideline 2023 by clicking here. Simply register your interest below and you will receive further information about Fishability. If you should have any enquiries, please email Fishability Development Officer, Fiona Rowland at or phone on 0434 522 050 to receive more information and relevant forms.

Expressions of Interest

Would you like to become a volunteer? Send us a message.

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